HLM Forms Support
If you are experiencing issues with the HLM Forms app browse some frequent troubleshooting methods below. If a issue or bug is not on this list contact kurl web on support@kurl.com.au
If you are unable to login to the HLM Forms app first check your internet connection, you will need an initial internet connection to login to your HLM Dashboard. If this does not work ask your network administrator to reset the password or create a new account.
If this does not work contact support@kurl.com.au.
Contact your network administrator to reset your password. You will receive an email from noreply@hlm-forms.firebaseapp.com with a link to reset the password.
This can be caused by a variety of reasons. These are some common solutions:
- Check your devices storage – If your device does not have enough storage app functionality may become limited or unstable, please assure you have at least 3 GB storage.
- Delete older forms – We recommend only having 20 forms saved on 1 device. Having more may take to much storage and may not save.
- Create a new temporary account – Depending on how many devices you have linked to your account may affect the saving on one of the devices, we recommend if this is the case to create a new account using a secondary email.
If none of these work please contact support@kurl.com.au
The app may be crashing for a variety of reasons. Email support@kurl.com.au with a subject “HLM Forms Bug”, please provide details of the steps you took to get the app to crash if possible with screenshots, this will allow us too quicker replicate and solve the bug.
If this is affecting you to submit forms try the web version while we fix the issue by navigating to HLM Website on the dashboard.
If a field is not saving please email support@kurl.com.au. We will try to fix any issues ASAP but in the mean time please enter the data into the comments field.